
Disney+ Documentary Listings The Life and Career of the Star Wars Composer

Disney+ Documentary Listings The Life and Career of the Star Wars Composer

“Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music.” So says legendary composer John Williams in the first trailer for the aptly titled work John’s Music WilliamsDisney+’s upcoming soup-to-nuts documentary about the musical master produced by Steven Spielberg, Kathleen Kennedy and Ron Howard. And we’re pretty sure we can all agree that John Williams’ music stands alone: ​​stunning symphonic compositions on iconic works such as jaws, Star Wars, indiana jonesand even the Olympics – proved more than enough over the lifetime of several generations; This makes the possibility of a documentary dedicated to the man’s life and times even more exciting. Check out the trailer below:

It opens with an experiment in which Williams’ long-time collaborator Steven Spielberg underlines the power of film music by showing us a scene. jaws Whether or not it’s Williams’ iconic two-note piano ostinato, this is probably an overdue Williams love — so are we A lot there’s a lot – it seems to boast a wealth of extensive talking heads and archival material from the composer’s seven-decade career. Contributors to this new trailer include Spielberg, Howard, Kennedy, and Williams, as well as JJ Abrams, James Mangold, Alan Silvestri, Chris Martin (yes, that one!) Star Wars‘ the creator himself, George Lucas. But the standout contribution is, of course, Williams’ own score, which fills the trailer with wall-to-wall orchestral instruments from throughout his illustrious career.

Here is the official logline for the movie: “Music by John Williams It offers a fascinating and insightful look at the legendary composer’s prolific life and career. From his early days as a jazz pianist to his Oscar, Emmy and Grammy awards, the documentary takes an in-depth look at Williams’ numerous contributions to cinema, including many iconic series, as well as his music for the concert stage and his career. its impact on popular culture.”

Music by John Williams It comes out on Disney+ on November 1. Meanwhile, John Williams’ music hits our ears every day in the office. Alexa, play ‘Duel of the Fates’!