
Video shows Georgia National Guard begin rescuing Helene

Video shows Georgia National Guard begin rescuing Helene

Rescue missions continue as Southeast excavation begins Damage caused by Hurricane Helene.

Video shows members of the Georgia National Guard clearing roads in Augusta, Georgia, on Sunday as the hurricane’s toll became clear.

More than 100 people lost their lives 1.7 million homes and workplaces left There has been a power outage throughout the region since Monday.

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp he said at a press conference It is stated that the state is making efforts to restore power to a region that has historically been a safe haven for those fleeing hurricanes.

“It’s unprecedented to see the extent of destruction that a hurricane can do in Lowndes County or Echols County and this community so far from the Florida line,” Kemp said.

Emergency services open in Georgia, return of phone service slows

Georgia emergency officials reiterated calls for shelter and said although fuel was plentiful, there was no electricity for service stations.

The state saw the opening of 13 humanitarian distribution facilities on Monday, offering residents food, water and essential health supplies.

Chris Stallings, director of the Georgia Emergency Management and National Security Agency, said Monday that cellphone service had returned to the area with 100 T-Mobile towers running on generator power. As of Monday morning, about 320 Verizon sites and about 250 AT&T sites were out.

Statewide, more than 1 million water customers are served by 361 emergency drinking water utilities, according to Stallings. Seventy-eight wastewater treatment plants are being inspected statewide as part of a boil water advisory for 291 communities.